This statue of Hygia honors the 450 Allegheny County doctors who served in World War I.
Here’s another post featuring the statues and monuments of Schenley Park that I captured in photos during a recent walk through the park.
The Allegheny County Medical Society turned to Giuseppe Moretti, who had made a name for himself in Pittsburgh and beyond with his work in the city, to create a memorial for those members who served in World War I.
Moretti produced a fine classical piece that depicts Hygia, the daughter of Asclepius and the goddess of health, with a caduceus and torch.
The base carries this inscription: "’Non sibi sed patriae. [Latin phrase meaning “Not for self, but for country.] This monument in honor of four hundred fifty members of the Allegheny County Medical Society who served in the World War 1914-18 is presented and affectionately dedicated by their colleagues. Honor est praemium virtutis." {Honor is the reward of virtue.}
The base also bears a bronze plaque with the names of those who served.
The memorial is located beside Phipps Conservatory on Panther Hollow Road in the Schenley Park Historic District, which entered the National Register of Historic Places in 1985.
Source: Discovering Pittsburgh's Sculpture by Marilyn Evert and Vernon Gay, 1986, University of Pittsburgh Press
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